Schwartz Injury Law

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Examples of Serious Fractures in Illinois Nursing Homes

 Posted on October 14,2024 in Nursing Home Abuse

St. Claire County Nursing Home Abuse LawyerIn Illinois nursing homes, residents often face the disturbing reality of abuse and neglect, which can lead to considerable injuries. Among these injuries, hand and arm fractures, as well as ankle and foot fractures, are particularly severe. These types of injuries can drastically affect a resident’s quality of life and may even require legal intervention to ensure justice can be pursued against any wrongful action. A skilled lawyer can advocate for victims of such incidents and their families, helping them successfully get through the legal system.  

The Impact of Hand and Arm Fractures

No matter what age someone is, fractures in the hands and arms can significantly impair a person’s ability to perform daily tasks. When an older person in a nursing home suffers from these kinds of injuries, the impact on daily tasks is often even more severe. These fractures can occur due to falls, rough handling, or lack of proper supervision. The consequences of hand and arm fractures include:

  • Loss of mobility – Residents may struggle with basic activities like eating, dressing, or grooming.

  • Chronic pain – Poorly treated fractures can lead to long-term discomfort and pain management issues.

  • Infection risk – Open fractures can expose the site to infection.

  • Rehabilitation needs – Many fractures require extensive physical therapy, further putting a strain on already limited resources.

Proper monitoring and timely medical intervention are crucial in preventing these complications. Unfortunately, neglect can worsen the situation.

The Impact of Foot and Ankle Fractures

Ankle and foot fractures are equally concerning, especially in nursing homes where falls are so common. These injuries can lead to severe mobility issues and longer recovery times. Consider the following points:

  • Increased dependence – Residents may face heightened reliance on staff for mobility and routine activities.

  • Risk of future falls – Injuries to the foot and ankle can make a resident more prone to additional falls, creating a hazardous cycle.

  • Difficulty with weight-bearing activities – Simple tasks such as walking or standing can become extremely difficult.

  • Emotional toll – Injuries can lead to feelings of helplessness, depression, or anxiety among residents.

These fractures not only disrupt physical health but can also take a toll on a resident’s mental health.

Legal Options for Victims and Families

When fractures occur due to abuse or neglect, legal options exist that you and your family may be interested in. Potential avenues for a lawyer to pursue include:

  • Filing a negligence claim – This establishes that the nursing home failed to provide adequate care.

  • Seeking compensation – Victims may be entitled to damages for medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

  • Advocating for changes – Legal action can eventually lead to improved conditions for current and future nursing home residents.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Cook County, IL Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney

If someone you love has suffered these kinds of injuries in a nursing home setting, you are strongly encouraged to contact the Chicago, IL nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers with Schwartz Injury Law. Call 312-535-4625 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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