Chicago Alzheimer Abuse in Nursing Home Attorney

Attorneys for Dementia Patients Who are Neglected or Abused in Cook County and DuPage County Areas
Nursing home residents who have Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia are at a much higher risk of being neglected or abused. One of the major reasons nursing home abuse and neglect occurs frequently among this segment of the population is that abusers believe they can get away with it by attributing any claims against them to the condition of the patient. If you have a loved one who is an Alzheimer's or dementia patient in a nursing facility, and you believe he/she is being abused, it is important to speak with a skilled elder abuse attorney, so you understand your legal rights and options.
At Schwartz Injury Law, we understand the outrage family members feel when an elderly loved one is abused or neglected at a nursing facility they trusted to look after them. These negligent and abusive acts become even more egregious when they are perpetrated against Alzheimer's and dementia patients who are so vulnerable and depend so heavily on nursing home staff to provide for their basic needs. Our nursing home team has extensive knowledge of this area of the law, and when abuse or neglect occurs, we put our experience to work to ensure that those responsible are held fully accountable.
Nursing Home
Wrongful Death of a Dementia Patient
Schwartz Injury Law represented the family of an 82-year-old man with progressive dementia who was under the care of a long-term acute care (LTAC) facility when his life was claimed by a breathing tube injury. The man's tracheotomy tube became dislodged, and although it was replaced quickly, he could not be resuscitated. The facility paid out $400,000 in compensation.
Alzheimer's and Dementia Patient Abuse in Illinois Nursing Homes
Patients who are suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia are far less aware of what is happening around them, making them prime targets for those who would do them harm. Some of the most common forms of abuse that occur in this sector of the nursing home population include:
- Physical Abuse: Many Alzheimer's and dementia patients have mood swings and emotional outbursts that cause caregivers to react negatively. This can lead to many forms of physical abuse, such as pushing, shoving, pulling, hitting, unreasonable restraint, or any other acts intended to do physical harm. Patients often sustain serious injuries from these occurrences, including cuts, bruises, burns, falls, and fractures. Many of these injuries are life-threatening.
- Sexual Abuse: Perpetrators of sexual abuse often see Alzheimer's and dementia patients as easy prey. Sometimes the abuser is a staff member. Other times, another resident may be the perpetrator. In either case, very often the root cause of sexual abuse in nursing homes is inadequate staffing.
- Neglect and Willful Deprivation: Failure, either willfully or negligently, to provide patients with their basic necessities, such as food, water, and medical care can result in malnutrition, dehydration, bed sores, infections, and other severe health conditions.
The Illinois Alzheimer's and Dementia Services Act establishes minimum standards for training of employees in facilities that advertise specific services for this demographic. Sadly, though many facilities might technically meet these standards, there is still widespread abuse and neglect occurring.
Speak with an Experienced Illinois Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients Lawyer
Cases of neglect and/or abuse of Alzheimer's and dementia patients can be challenging to pursue. Because the victim is often unable to remember anything or tell anyone about the incident, a more thorough and extensive investigation may be necessary. At Schwartz Injury Law, we have seen virtually every issue that can come up in a nursing home setting, and we know what red flags to look for (that others might miss) that may point to negligence or abuse on the part of the facility. For a free consultation with our office, contact us today at 312-535-4625. We serve clients in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, Lake County, Will County, Winnebago County, and throughout Illinois.